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Scotland is famous for its rich festival culture, which unites people from all over the world, sharing Scottish wide heritage. Every festival is different in various concepts and ideologies involving sustainable values into it.

Edinburgh is home to many festivals that are crucial to the local economy, contributing to the development of world culture. The most famous events are Edinburgh International, Book, Science, Storytelling, Film, Jazz &Blues festivals. Recently the Edinburgh Festivals forum launched a vision for the future, considering new challenges and perspectives. 

This draft Vision comprises eight development principles, reflecting different dimensions of excellence in how a world-leading sustainable festival city could look and feel by the year 2030. The draft vision aims to function as a statement of shared ambitions to assist collaborative thinking and action, recognising that many players have responsibility for different dimensions of development and decisions of course lie with the properly mandated authorities. Should resources be secured to move towards this vision, the principles identify the headlines of a programme of innovation, future proofing and leadership across sectors and agencies, to address key needs and serve as a model for the vital role culture will play in sustainable city futures.


Draft principles of the Vision 2030

Scotland has a powerful connection of film festivals and platforms like the Glasgow Film and Short Film festival, and the Scottish Documentary Institute, which actively contribute to the world film market. 

Allison Gardner (CEO of Glasgow Film Theatre and Festival) shared her thoughts in the podcast about the current development of film culture in Scotland and her views about the future and the importance of young generation's involvement in the industry.


Allison Gardner (CEO of Glasgow Film Theatre)

Allison Gardner (GFT)Tymofii Donets
00:00 / 16:14
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